Learn to Play!
Bored? Lonely? Find inspiration for a new hobby.
Are you a recovering perfectionist in need of a challenge? Maybe you want to make new friends and don't know where to start. Or perhaps you just feel stuck in a rut of all work and no play.
Challenge yourself to try something new and re-discover how to play purely for fun rather than to be 'productive.'
Explore the Hobby List below to find inspiration. Some of the suggestions might appeal to you.
As you look through the options, ask yourself: Is there anything you'd like to try but are afraid that you'll look frivolous/stupid/selfish? Is there something you used to enjoy as a child but haven't thought about in years? What terrifies you on this list, and what could you learn by facing that fear? Could you enjoy something despite not being very good at it? Are you put off because you think you're the wrong gender for this activity?