Where can I do this?
At home
Are the costs to get started high or low?
Would I be doing this in a group, in a couple, or on my own?

Are there physical requirements that might make it difficult for me to participate?
Dexterity required.
So what's it all about?
If you are an absolute beginner it is important to know there is a learning curve. You will probably not be making your own clothes right away. But once you have the basics down, sewing is an incredibly rewarding hobby!
Costs are variable. You can get started learning the basics of hand sewing using any old material you have lying around at home. I've personally found older learn-to-sew or dress making books to be more detailed and helpful than modern books. Maybe because they were written in a time when dress making was a more widespread, everyday activity, so books were written for every skill-level rather than a more dedicated hobbyist?
Whatever the reason, you will certainly be able to find how-to guides on the internet, and books in libraries. Local sewing stores may also offer classes. Check out big box stores as well as smaller independent stores if there are any in your area.